Thursday, May 31, 2007


I like my life and all, but I'm just wondering:

How many babies would you murder to switch lives with Tom Brady?

In case you forgot - 3 NFL Championships, at least one SuperBowl MVP, lots of monies, lordship of New England, good looking ex-girlfriend holding your child, best looking current girlfriend in the world (according to some) who will be featured in Playboy in September (Thank you, Hef. Thank you so much.).

Upon many minutes of reflection, I have decided that I would strangle 6 babies with my bare hands, drown 5 babies in hot water, tie 7 babies together and put them in the dryer, stick 3 babies in Publix plastic bags (tying them closed, of course), and kick 4 babies in their baby sternums.

So, in all, I GUESS I'd destroy a fair amount of babies.

Go ahead... judge. You bastards.

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