Thursday, May 3, 2007

Manning Snubbed?

Have no fear, Craig's personal draft grades are in the works and coming to a blog near you (this one). For now, I want to see if anyone will offer there opinion on the following. Peyton Manning was playing in the Wachovia Pro-Am on Wednesday (May 2). Apparently, nobody noticed. Why? Because the premier pair consisted of Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan. Yes. Both of them. 12 majors, 6 NBA championships, and a whole lot of NIKE stock. They stole the show at the golf engagement and my question is this: If NFL football is the most popular, how does Peyton not get some loving at this event?

Of course, I'll weigh my own opinion in. Yes, the NFL is the largest American sport and a constant cash-cow. However, Michael Jordan hasn't played a game in years and IS basketball. Tiger Woods defines golf. Peyton is a current icon for the most popular sport but isn't THE icon (maybe one day). Tiger and Michael are global, they are 100 % recognizable, they are sports. So, if Manning was snubbed, it is no slight on his game. That has been validated. If he was snubbed it is nothing more than support for two global icons, the status poor Lebron wishes to attain.


Omega_Squad said...

I think people are still getting over their "Peyton blows the big game" complex...I being a former member of said group, have renounced my ways(superbowl rings do that) and the only thing he has to do now is smash some more records.

I think as time goes on he will get bigger and bigger...unless they find him shooting up heroin and actually throwing footballs at children, which by the way...I would pay to see!

He was probably overshadowed because...he sucks at golf, was being to nice, OH wait probably the 2 best athletes (in my opinion) who totaly changed their respective sports were acting like a bunch of frat guys

who wouldn't want to see that..

Pollard said...

He probably got enough face time during the commercial breaks...

Is this what we have to look forward to, Craig? A lifetime of Manning posts? Your man crush shining through? Dream on...