Sunday, June 24, 2007

Vegas: A Brief Retelling

Briefly put,

Craig -1200
Mike +200

That sums up the trip financially, but what the numbers do NOT show is that I was stroked by TWO hot women, one Parisian and one African. Pollard can attest to the truth of this AND there is picture proof of my presence on stage at Zumanity - Cirque de Soleil. Is that worth 1200? I don't think so, but I can rationalize if I want to.

We had fun. We played poker. Well, Pollard played poker. I went in and out of drunken conciousness, assuming I was playing well (which I did 1.5 nights, but did NOT 2.5 nights, hence the losing).

I played craps, which is my new donkey game. Screw YOU, roulette, and the 700 dollars you stole. My new game is dice, son. Eight, skate, and donate... How do ducks go to the pond? Two by Two... Five, no ten on a hard eight... come on EIGHT!

Beyond the gambling there were a few good meals and one shining fact that Pollard can NOT handle the all nightsies. Yes, I'm calling him out. It is difficult to calculate, but I think from noon on Monday to seven AM on Friday, I slept 16 hours. Like a man. Two of the four nights, Pollard was all comfy in his bed. SURE, he came back with more (a LOT more) money than I did... BUT, it's Vegas baby. I saw the sunlight on the strip every morn and was so fatigued/messed up that I had to get a cab for four blocks the first night.

So, Pollard was the fiscal winner, but as usual, the comedy and stories should probably go to me. Plus, I got puked on.

those are my principles,


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